Floating Power Platform

Technical Information

Dimensions (m, lxwxh): 50 x 50 x 10
Weight (kg): 500 kg
Output voltage: 400V AC
Generator power (kW): 100 (4x 25kW)
Minimum wind: 2 Bft
Maximum wind: 8 Bft
Brake: Aerodynamic and mechanical

EU Compliance

Environmental noise 2002/49/EC
Safety IEC-61400


Finals Zeeuwind Innovation Challenge

Jun 2021
"An innovation that truly suits Zeeland," the judges said. Promising, but more research and development is needed to demonstrate conclusive. Lees meer...

First measurement setup

Feb 2021
Calibrating the first measurement setup. By measuring power output and wind speed simultaneously, the yield curve of the flag turbine. Lees meer...

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Copyright © 2023 Vlagmolen I Design en development:
Wigman Van Dijk, On- en Offline Creatief